Recently, we developed a spatial phage-assisted continuous evolution (SPACE) system. This system utilizes chemotaxis coupled with the growth of motile bacteria during their spatial range expansion in soft agar to provide fresh host cells for iterative phage infection and selection pressure for preserving evolved genes of interest carried by phage mutants. Controllable mutagenesis activated only in a subpopulation of the migrating cells is essential in this system to efficiently generate mutated progeny phages from which desired individuals are selected during the directed evolution process. But, the widely adopted small molecule-dependent inducible system could hardly fulfill this purpose because it always affects all cells homogeneously. In this study, we developed a phage infection-induced gene expression system using modified Escherichia coli (E. coli) phage shock protein operon or sigma factors from Bacillus subtilis. Results showed that this system enabled efficient control of gene expression upon phage infection with dynamic output ranges from small to large using combinations of different engineered phages and corresponding promoters. This system was incorporated into SPACE to function as a phage infection-induced mutagenesis module and successfully facilitated the evolution of T7 RNA polymerase, which generated diverse mutants with altered promoter recognition specificity. We expect that phage infection-induced gene expression system could be further extended to more applications involving partial induction in a portion of a population and targeted induction in specific strains among a mixed bacterial community, which provides an important complement to small molecule-dependent inducible systems.
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