The botanical research of existing and prospective reserved territories of Shevchenko district (Kharkiv region) have allowed us to determine the boundaries of 5 expected objects of a total area of 1725 ha. Phytocoenotic analysis showed that they represented all types of natural vegetation typical for the region: real and shrub steppe, ravine oak forests, real, saline and marshy meadows, semi-aquatic and aquatic vegetation. There are 4 common plant communities listed in the Green book of Ukraine: Amygdaleta nanae, Stipeta capillatae, Stipeta lessingianae, Stipeta pulcherrimae, and 36 endangered species: 9 species from the Red book of Ukraine: Adonis vernalis, A. wolgensis, Crambe aspera, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Fritillaria meleagroides, Pulsatilla pratensis, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. рulcherrima, and 25 species from the Red List of Kharkiv region. The publication presents the lists of protected species and plant communities for each of the studied areas. The most botanically valuable reserves are “Novonikolaevskiy”, “Merehnyanskiy” and “Hetmanivskiy”. In addition to protected plant communities, more than 10 rare plant species are present in each of these reserves.
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