Simultaneously manipulating the two hands is central to human daily life, from a simple action such as tying one’s shoes to the proficiency of building and using tools. While using both hands in order to reach a common goal does not require extensive effort and is even done automatically, the concurrent generation of two independent movements with different spatiotemporal patterns results often in an increased time to initiate the movements (reaction time – RT) compared to conditions in which only one movement is performed at a time (Walter and Swinnen, 1990; Heuer, 1996; Vangheluwe et al., 2004). Furthermore, when different spatiotemporal patterns must be simultaneously produced, such as drawing a circle with one hand and drawing a rectangle with the second hand, spatial similarity effects take place between the two trajectories (Kelso et al., 1983; Konzem, 1987; Swinnen and Walter, 1998). The phenomenon was termed bimanual interference and was studied extensively over the last three decades. Psychological and imaging studies conducted on split brain patients (Franz et al., 1996; Eliassen et al., 1999; Kennerley et al., 2002) have shown that interference based on the spatial characteristics of the movements arises through callosally mediated interactions suggesting that the spatial goals are established at a high, cortical level. Studies employing discrete incompatible actions for the two hands, such as pointing in different directions and/or different amplitudes have shown that bimanual interference could be reduced when the target movements were cued directly by the onset of the target locations rather than symbolically by letters (Diedrichsen et al., 2001; Hazeltine et al., 2003). This finding indicates that directly cued actions can be programmed in parallel for the two hands, challenging the hypothesis that the cost to initiate non-symmetrical movements derives from spatial interference at the motorprogramming stage. Rather, the cost appears to be related to stimulus identification, processing of symbolic cues and selection of an appropriate response, or both. Another way to reduce bimanual interference is practice, as shown recently by Albert and Ivry (2009). Although several studies have previously shown that bimanual practice can suppress directional interference (Swinnen et al., 1991; Schumacher et al., 1999; Puttemans et al., 2003) the study of Albert and Ivry, based on a drawing task first introduced by Franz et al. (1996), is unique as it calls for the bimanual generation of sequential discrete movements rather than a continuous movement, which allows the assessment of bimanual interference and its modulation by practice both by the analysis of the reaction time needed to plan each segment and the characteristics of the spatiotemporal attributes of the trajectories generated by each hand. Thus, the novelty of the work is in its ability to study the evolution of the interaction and interference between the unimanual and bimanual representation of the task emerging throughout practice. Furthermore, as target movements in the paradigm used by Albert and Ivry are directly cued, an ability to transfer to unvisited configurations should imply the conceptualization of the stimuli as defining a common goal which operates at an abstract level of representation. Albert and Ivry (2009) show that prolonged practice on incongruent patterns (e.g., one hand moving forward, one sideways) resulted in reduced bimanual interference which was manifested by shorter RTs and increased number of correct patterns by both hands. As the effect of congruency on movement reaction times was larger than the effect on movement time it may be that the main outcome of training was the evolution of a bimanual representation of the task which allowed for shorter planning times as was shown to
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