Throughout the glabrous representation in Area 3b, electrical stimulation of the dominant (median or ulnar) input produces robust, short-latency excitation, evident as a net extracellular "sink" in the Lamina 4 current source density (CSD) accompanied by action potentials. Stimulation of the collocated nondominant (radial nerve) input produces a subtle short-latency response in the Lamina 4 CSD unaccompanied by action potentials and followed by a clear excitatory response 12-15 ms later. Laminar response profiles for both inputs have a "feedforward" pattern, with initial activation in Lamina 4, followed by extragranular laminae. Such corepresentation of nondominant radial nerve inputs with the dominant (median or ulnar nerve) inputs in the glabrous hand surface representation provides a likely mechanism for reorganization after median nerve section in adult primates. To investigate this, we conducted repeated recordings using an implanted linear multi-electrode array straddling the cortical laminae at a site in "median nerve cortex" (i.e., at a site with a cutaneous receptive field on the volar surface of D2 and thus with its dominant afferent input conveyed by the median nerve) in an adult squirrel monkey. We characterized the baseline responses to median, radial, and ulnar nerve stimulation. We then cut the median nerve and semichronically monitored radial nerve, ulnar nerve and median nerve (proximal stump) evoked responses. The radial nerve response in median nerve cortex changed progressively during the weeks after median nerve transection, ultimately assuming the characteristics of the dominant nerve profile. During this time, median, and ulnar nerve profiles displayed little or no change.
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