The hypothesis that potassium nitrate application promotes epinasty in ‘Carabao’ mango through increased ethylene production was investigated. The degree of drooping, apical primordium growth as affected by shoot ethylene and levels after potassium nitrate spraying were monitored. Evidence presented established for the first time in ‘Carabao’ mango that epinasty occurred just before flower emergence, coinciding with visible bud break, and extended up to 18 days, marking floral anthesis. The possible reasons could be the higher levels of ethylene at 0.31% and earlier increase of ethylene in the shoot apex at 4 hours and apical primordium growth. Increased ethylene levels at 0.21% were observed 2 hours from spraying of potassium nitrate, peaking between 4 to 5 hours both in the leaves and shoot apex and eventually declined at 0.11% thereafter while apical primordium growth started three days from potassium nitrate spray which the emerging buds pushes the side of the apex causing partial bending of apical leaves.
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