Despite their well-known drawbacks, the approaches of continuum electrostatics are widely used at the analysis of the energies of solvation and reorganization. We propose a method to check the applicability of these approaches in the determination of the solvation energy, which is based on measuring the difference of redox potentials ΔE of two consecutive redox reactions, e.g. for the pairs Co(Cp) 2 + /Co(Cp)2/Co(Cp) 2 − (here, Cp is cyclopentadienyl). In this difference, the solvophobic effects and the liquid junction potential between the working and reference electrodes, which is impossible to measure, cancel out. From the difference of ΔE in two different solvents, the sum of the electrostatic components of the cation-and anion-transfer energies is determined. It is shown that, for large low-charged ions in aprotic media, the continuum electrostatics proves to be true in a wide range of dielectric permittivities including those typical for proteins. The Stokes shift of fluorescence spectra for proflavine (PF) showed that the water reorganization energy and, hence, the energy of the static dielectric response are anomalously high. To study this effect on the solvation energy, we determined the redox potentials of the Co(Cp) 2 + /Co(Cp)2 pair in a number of water-organic media. The organic cosolvent breaks the water structure and reduces the reorganization energy. Accordingly, the redox potential turns more positive. This allowed us to determine the energy of transfer of Co(Cp) 2 + ions (and, hence, of other ions) nonviolated by the water structure specifics. The experimental energies of the acetate transfer exceed those calculated by an order of magnitude. This demonstrates the incorrectness of the widely used semicontinuum calculations of the pK of ionogenic groups of proteins. A new algorithm, which permits overcoming this discrepancy, is proposed, namely, the short-range interactions are taken into account based on the experimental energies of the transfer to a model DMF solvent, while the transfer energy from this solvent to the protein is calculated electrostatically. The energy of the ion charging in a protein consists of two physically different components, namely, the charging energy in the pre-existing field of protein dipoles and charges and the energy of the dielectric response of the medium. The former energy is determined by the electronic polarization of the protein (its optical dielectric permittivity), while the latter is determined by all kinds of polarization (static permittivity). Taking into account all the aforementioned peculiarities leads to reasonable agreement with the experiment when estimating the pK of certain groups in α-chymotrypsin. These calculations as well as experimental data (both our and taken form the literature (molecular dynamics)) point to the enhanced dielectric permittivity of the outer layers of proteins.
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