Experiments were made on the effects of gamma radiation on the molecular weight and shape of soluble desoxyribonucleohistone froi calf thvmus glands. The molecular weights of nucleoprotein were determined by the method of light- scattering and had an average value of 22 x 10/sup 6/, with a maximum variation of 10% from one independent extraction to another. lrradiation also caused a decrease in viscosity, with no after effect, and no increase in UV absorption at 259 m mu . This suggests that a decrease in molecular size occurred wlthout denaturation of the nucleic acid of the complex. The first major effect of irradiation on the nucleoprotein complex appears to be dlssociation of the small protein molecules from the nucleic acid, which remains relatively intact until most of the protein is dissociated. The effect of changes in concentiation indicate that the dissociation process does not have the usual characteristics of an indirect effect. There was no evidence for denaturation of the nucleic acid in the irradiated nucleoprotein even up to 40 ev/phosphorus atom. (P.C.H.)
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