Fault tolerant quantum computers repetitively apply a four-step procedure: First, perform a few one and two-qubit quantum gates. Second, perform a syndrome measurement on a subset of the qubits. Third, perform fast classical computations to establish if and where errors occurred. And, fourth, correct the errors with a correction step. The next iteration applies the same procedure with new one and two-qubit gates. Even though current error-rates prohibit this procedure to work and fault tolerant quantum computing remains a distant goal, the same procedure can already prove useful today. In this work we make use of this four-step scheme not to carry out fault-tolerant computations, but to enhance short, constant-depth, quantum circuits that perform 1 qubit gates and nearest−neighbor 2 qubit gates.We introduce a new computational model called Local Alternating Quantum Classical Computations(LAQCC). In this model, qubits are placed in a grid and they can only interact with their direct neighbors; the quantum circuits are of constant depth with intermediate measurements; a classical controller can perform log-depth computations on these intermediate measurement outcomes and control future quantum operations based on the outcome. This model fits naturally between quantum algorithms in the NISQ era and full-fledged fault-tolerant quantum computation. We first prove that any Clifford circuit has an equivalent LAQCC circuit, and that any LAQCC circuit can be simulated by a QNC1circuit. Next, we conjecture the non-simulatability of LAQCC by showing that LAQCC contains the class of Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial-time circuits. We also show that any LAQCC circuit with polynomial-sized quantum circuits and unbounded classical computations is contained in the class of quantum circuits equipped with post-selection gates with respect to the task of state preparation. We continue by presenting LAQCC implementations of different subroutines, including OR-gates, quantum Fourier transforms and Threshold gates. These subroutines prove vital in constructing three state preparation routines in the main part of this work. Preparing a uniform superposition uses constant-depth arithmetic gates, combined with an exact Grover implementation by Long. For the W-state, we employ a compress-uncompress method to switch between a binary and one-hot encoding. This method extends to the more generalized Dicke-states, the superposition of n-bit strings of Hamming weight k, for k=O(n), but fails for higher k due to the birthday paradox. We extend this protocol to a protocol that prepares many-body scar states, highly excited states with low entanglement and longer coherence times than states with the same energy density. We present a circuit for preparing Dicke-states for larger k requiring log-depth circuits that maps between the factoradic number system and the combinatorial number system.
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