strangest moment in act 4, scene 6, of Shakespeare's King Lear involves humiliation of recently blinded Gloucester at hands of his supposedly loving son. In so-called Dover Cliffscene Gloucester wrongly believes that mad beggar Poor Tom, who is actually his son Edgar, has led him to place where he intends to commit suicide. In order to fool him, Edgar describes cliff in poetic but horrifying terms, and he then steps away from his father, whose attempt to jump results in only a fall to ground. Edgar then disguises his voice yet again, though not as Poor Tom, to convince Gloucester that he has fallen from cliff but was rescued by gods from a demon at top. trick evidently persuades Gloucester that he has been saved by a miracle, and he decides to go on living. (1) Although Edgar says that his mistreatment of Gloucester is an attempt to cure him of his despair, it remains gratuitous and difficult to explain within context of play, so in this essay I would like to move beyond Lear to examine scene in relation to drama that provides surprising analogues to it: medieval French farce featuring blind men and their cruelly deceptive guides. Scholars have long agreed that idea of a suicidal blinded man who wants to be led to a cliff to end it all came to Shakespeare through story of Paphlagonian king in book 2, chapter 10, of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. king, father of one legitimate and one illegitimate son, is persuaded by lies of bastard son Plexirtus to turn against legitimate heir, who is named Leonatus. After bastard usurps throne, he blinds his father, a development that resembles involvement of Gloucester's bastard son Edmund with those who blind his father. Then Leonatus, in order to help king, returns from a nearby country where he has disguised himself as a soldier. despairing king asks Leonatus to help him find a rock from which to throw himself, but Leonatus refuses. (2) Thus story sketches rough outlines of subplot of Gloucester and his sons, but significantly, it stops short of anything resembling episode in which Edgar tricks his father into believing he has jumped from cliff. So passage from Arcadia does nothing to explain Edgar's surprising and rather cruel response to his father's death wish, nor does redoubtable Geoffrey Bullough in Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare have anything to say about way scene plays out. (3) Edgar's trickery has long troubled critics. In Wheel of Fire, G. Wilson Knight writes of scene, The grotesque merged into ridiculous reaches a consummation in this bathos of tragedy: it is furthest, most exaggerated, reach of poet's fantasticality. Knight reads episode as evidence that the Gloucester-theme throughout reflects and emphasizes and exaggerates all percurrent qualities of Lear-theme. (4) For him, scene is a towering stroke of grotesque and absurd to balance fantastic incidents and speeches that immediately follow. (5) Building literally on notion that scene is absurd, Jan Kott in 1960s tried to contextualize this scene among others in relation to Theater of Absurd. Kott echoes some of Knight's vocabulary when he writes, The pantomime performed by actors on stage is grotesque, and has something of a circus about it. blind Gloucester who has climbed a non-existent height and fallen over on flat boards, is a clown. (6) Kott goes on to compare scene to Beckett's Endgame. In Arden edition of Lear, editor R. A. Foakes writes that Edgar's treatment of his father can be viewed as a game, and he adds, No wonder that there has been much debate about nature of this episode, which may be seen as grotesque, comic, absurd, tragic, or a combination of these. (7) This vein of critical history of Lear yields such terms as grotesque, absurd, clown, and game, which are surely rare in discussions of scenes from Shakespearean tragedy. …
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