The first description to attract attention to mongolism appears to have been that of Langdon Down<sup>1</sup>in England, published in 1866. Since that time the cases of mongolism reported have belonged, it seems, exclusively to the Caucasian races, a belief that is expressed in a review of the subject by Muir,<sup>2</sup>which appeared some thirty-seven years later. The recent report by Tumpeer<sup>3</sup>in Chicago, however, of the occurrence of mongolian idiocy in a Chinese boy prompted the making of this additional report of its occurrence in the negro. <h3>REPORT OF CASES</h3><h3>Case 1.</h3> —E. R., an American negro girl, aged 5 months, seen at the North Seventh Street Welfare Station, was recognized as a mongolian idiot by the following items which are taken from the clinic notes: slant eyes with narrowed fissures; flat epicanthic folds; egg face; tiny ears; small, round mouth and nose; markedly redundant folds
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