Question: How can a simulation be designed to support teaching and learning of set-based design principles among architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) learners? To what extent can a set-based design (SBD) simulation enhance the understanding of set-based design (SBD) principles in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC)? Purpose: This paper presents a simulation exercise for teaching SBD principles and processes among AEC learners. Research Method: The simulation game is presented through a physical, in-class simulation activity. A pre-and post-test survey is also incorporated into the study to assess its effectiveness among learners. Findings: The paper disseminates a novel physical simulation exercise that can be adopted for teaching set-based design principles among AEC learners. The findings demonstrate that the simulation can enhance learners’ understanding of set-based design concepts, such as mapping the design space, imposing constraints on the design, and performing the set-based design process. Limitations: The study involved two rounds of surveys with 26 student participants from the Architectural Engineering discipline. Including more learners from more diverse disciplines can be further explored and compared to the current findings. Further studies may also include practitioners and trainees within the construction industry. Implications: The simulation can be adopted to train students in a set-based design process to prepare for collaborative project delivery in contexts with the involvement of construction teams early in the design process. Value for practitioners: The paper presents a simulation that can guide practitioners in elaborating the concepts of collaborative design to project AEC teams. Keywords: simulation, games, lean design, point-based design, set-based design Paper type: full paper
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