In order to investigate the effects of divided attention and selective spatial attention on motion processing, we obtained direction-of-motion thresholds using a stochastic motion display under various attentional manipulations and stimulus durations (100–600 ms). To investigate divided attention, we compared motion thresholds obtained when a single motion stimulus was presented in the visual field (set-size=1) to those obtained when the motion stimulus was presented amongst three confusable noise distractors (set-size=4). The magnitude of the observed detriment in performance with an increase in set-size from 1 to 4 could be accounted for by a simple decision model based on signal detection theory, which assumes that attentional resources are not limited in capacity. To investigate selective attention, we compared motion thresholds obtained when a valid pre-cue alerted the subject to the location of the to-be-presented motion stimulus to those obtained when no pre-cue was provided. As expected, the effect of pre-cueing was large when the visual field contained noise distractors, an effect we attribute to ‘noise reduction’ (i.e. the pre-cue allows subjects to exclude irrelevant distractors that would otherwise impair performance). In the single motion stimulus display, we found a significant benefit of pre-cueing only at short durations (≤150 ms), a result that can potentially be explained by a ‘time-to-orient’ hypothesis (i.e. the pre-cue improves performance by eliminating the time it takes to orient attention to a peripheral stimulus at its onset, thereby increasing the time spent processing the stimulus). Thus, our results suggest that the visual motion system can analyze several stimuli simultaneously without limitations on sensory processing per se, and that spatial pre-cueing serves to reduce the effects of distractors and perhaps increase the effective processing time of the stimulus.
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