With the decline of advertising revenue, the newspaper industry faces the challenge of increasing audience-supported revenue. While news organizations must provide quality journalism to their readers, a complementary approach is to create better reading experiences using mobile news delivery. Focusing on the reading experience and building a long-term relationship are tenants of service-dominant logic theory. We study the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, which provided its subscribers iPads with training and tech support while discontinuing its print edition. We analyze clickstream and subscription data to examine how participating in the iPad program influences subscriber retention, how the effect of the iPad program varies by region, and whether the customer lifetime value (CLV, discounted expected future profits) of subscribers who enrolled in the iPad program outweighs the cost of the program. The iPad program decreases subscriber churn across regions and subscriber segments. The CLV of subscribers in the iPad program is greater than the cost of iPads, training, and tech support, with newer subscribers showing higher CLV. The results demonstrate the importance of shifting to service-oriented approach in journalism and the potential of mobile devices to increase readership and long-term profitability.