Vaccinium corymbosum L. is a woody deciduous shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family. During the last decade, Northern Italy has become a major area for blueberry cultivation and production in Europe, supplying other countries with high quality fruit (FAOSTAT 2020). In June 2020, plant stem and branch wilting with brownish necrotic internal lesions were observed on 20% of around 250 plants of the cultivar (cv.) Draper cultivated in a soilless culture system located in Peveragno (Piedmont, Cuneo Province, 44°21'05.6''N, 07°37'23.2''). Dieback and death of the plants also occurred. Fifteen symptomatic plants were collected. Wood pieces (5-10 mm) excised from diseased stems and branches were sterilized in 1% sodium hypochlorite for 1 min, rinsed in sterile distilled water and dried on sterile absorbent paper. Small fragments (2-3 mm), obtained from the edge of the necrotic tissues, were plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with 25 mg/L of streptomycin sulfate. Plates were incubated at 25 ± 1°C under a 12 h photoperiod and, five days after, colonies with the same characteristics of Diaporthe spp. were established from single hyphal tip transfers. Two representative strains (CVG1130 and CVG1131) were grown on PDA from single hyphal-tip transfers. After 7 days, white colonies with fluffy, aerial, mycelium reaching 8.3 cm were observed. colonies turned gray after three weeks producing dark brown pycnidia. Aseptate, hyaline, fusiform to ellipsoidal, measuring 6.3 to 8.4 × 2.2 to 3.0 μm alpha conidia were produced. No beta conidia were observed. The DNA of the same strains was extracted and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed for the ITS (primer set: ITS1-ITS4) (GenBank Accession no. ON834528; ON834529), tef (EF1-728/EF1-986) (GenBank Accession no. ON843715; ON843716) and tub2 (T1/Bt2b) (GenBank Accession no. ON843713; ON843714) regions, in accordance with previous studies (Gomes et al. 2013, Bezerra et al. 2021). Sequences analysed with BLASTn algorithm (Altschul et al. 1997) exhibited 98% identity with the ex-type strain CBS 138594 of Diaporthe eres for ITS (GenBank Accession no. KJ210529), 100% identity for tub2 (GenBank Accession no. KJ420799) and 99% identity for tef (GenBank Accession no. KJ210550). The maximum likelihood method based on combined sequences of ITS, tef and tub2 loci was performed, and the isolates CVG1130 and CVG1131 clustered with several reference strains of D. eres (Supplementary figure). To fulfil Koch's postulates, pathogenicity tests were performed on 1-year-old blueberry potted plants cv. Draper and Duke. A small piece of the bark tissue was removed with a sterile-bladed scalpel to expose the cambium. Mycelium plugs (5 mm diameter), obtained from 10-day-old cultures of the strains CVG1130 and CVG1131, were placed with the mycelium in contact with the internal plant tissues. Three plants were used for each isolate and the inoculation points were sealed with Parafilm®. The same number of plants treated with sterile PDA plugs were used as control. Plants were placed in a growth chamber at 25°C for 3 weeks. After this period, symptoms similar to those observed in the field appeared on the inoculated plants, while control plants remained healthy. A fungus with the same morphological characteristics of D. eres was reisolated from inoculated plants and identified by sequencing the tub2 gene to confirm Koch's postulates. Diaporthe eres was previously reported on different Vaccinium spp. in Chile, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the U.S.A. (Farr and Rossman, 2022). To our knowledge, this is the first report of D. eres associated with stem blight and dieback of highbush blueberry in Italy. Duke and Draper are among the most cultivated blueberry cultivars in Piedmont, where the spread of D. eres could represent a serious threat.
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