This paper updates Baltagi’s ~2003, Econometric Theory 19, 165–224! rankings of academic institutions by publication activity in econometrics over the period 1989–1999 to the period 1989–2005+ This ranking is based on 16 leading international journals that publish econometrics articles+ It is compared with the prior rankings by Hall ~1987, Econometric Theory 3, 171–194; 1990, Econometric Theory 6, 1–16! for the period 1980–1988+ In addition, a list of the top 150 individual producers of econometrics in these 16 journals over this 17-year period is provided+ This is done for theoretical econometrics and also for all contributions in econometrics+ Sensitivity analysis is provided using ~i! alternative weighting factors given to the 16 journals taking into account impact citations, excluding self-citations, size and age of the journal, ~ii! alternative time intervals, namely, 2000–2005, 1995–2005, and 1989–2005, ~iii! alternative ranking using the number of articles published in these journals, ~iv! separate rankings for both institutions and individuals by journal, ~v! rankings for institutions and individuals based on publications in three core econometrics journals+ What is certain is that econometrics now occupies a position in teaching programs that puts it on an equal footing with microeconomic and macroeconomic theory; and in research there seems to be no area of economics untouched by econometric method. To keep abreast of these changes, we intend to provide regular updates of the rankings of research activity presented in this issue of Econometric Theory+ —Peter C+B+ Phillips ~1987, Econometric Theory 3, 169!
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