Nutrient monitoring is very important for the area of food–energy–water nexus. The sensor network for nutrient monitoring requires dynamic sensing where the positions of the sensors change with time. In this work, we have proposed a methodology to optimize a dynamic sensor network which can address the spatiotemporal aspect of nutrient movement in a watershed. This is a first paper in the series where an algorithmic and methodological framework for spatiotemporal sensor placement problem is proposed. Dynamic sensing is widely used in wireless sensors, and the current approaches to solving this problem are data intensive. This is the first time we are introducing a stochastic optimization approach to dynamic sensing which is efficient. This framework is based on a novel stochastic optimization algorithm called Better Optimization of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems (BONUS). A small case study of the dynamic sensor placement problem is presented to illustrate the approach. In the second paper of this series, we will present a detailed case study of nutrient monitoring in a watershed.
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