Chapter 1: An Introduction to Presidential-Congressional Rivalry Professor James A. Thurber, Distinguished Professor and Director, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies and Department of Government, American University. Chapter 2: First-term Legislative Presidency: Partisan Not Personal Professor Stephen Wayne, Professor, Department of Government, Georgetown University. Chapter 3: Congressional Relations in a Polarized Age Dr. Patrick Griffin, Associate Director for Public Policy Programs at the Center for Congressional and Presidential, American University and Gary Andres, Staff Director of the U.S. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Chapter 4 Organizing the 21st Century White House Professor James Pfiffner, University Professor Director, Doctoral Program in Public Policy, George Mason University. Chapter 5: Presidency and Congressional Time Professor Roger Davidson, Professor Emeritus of Government and Politics at the University of. Maryland, College Park. Chapter 6: The President and the Congressional Party Leadership in a Hyper-Partisan Era Professor Barbara Sinclair, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, UCLA. Chapter 7: The President, and Lobbyists: Has President Obama Changed the Way Washington Works? Professor James A. Thurber Chapter 8: The President, and the Media Ron Elving, Senior Washington Editor, National Public Radio. Chapter 9: The President, and the Battle over the Budget Professor Joe White, Department of Political Science, Case Western University. Chapter 10: Congress, the President and the Politics of Regulation Professor Claudia Hartley Thurber, Legal Consultant in Occupational Safety and Health Policy, former Counsel for Health Standards, Occupational and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. Chapter 11: The President, and Foreign Policy Lawrence Korb, Senior Scholar, Center for American Progress and Alex Rothman, Research Associate, Center for American Progress. Chapter 12: Constitutional Conflicts with Louis Fisher, Scholar in Residence at the Cato Institute. Chapter 13: Congress and President Obama: A Perspective Walter J. Oleszek, Adjunct Professor at American University and Senior Specialist in American Government at the Congressional Research Service And Mark Oleszek, Assistant Professor at Albright College. Chapter 14: Rivals Only Sometimes: Presidentialism, Unilateralism and Congressional Acquiescence in Obama's Ongoing Struggle Against Terrorism Professor John Owens, Research Fellow, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, American University Chapter 15: Assessing Presidential-Congressional Relations: A Need for Reform? Professor James A. Thurber
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