A result of Nakayama and Skornyakov states that a ring R is an Artinian serial ring if and only if every R-module is serial. This motivated us to study commutative rings for which every proper ideal is serial. In this paper, we determine completely the structure of commutative rings R of which every proper ideal is serial. It is shown that every proper ideal of R is serial, if and only if, either R is a serial ring, or R is a local ring with maximal ideal ${\mathcal {M}}$ such that there exist a uniserial module U and a semisimple module T with ${\mathcal {M}}=U\oplus T$ . Moreover, in the latter case, every proper ideal of R is isomorphic to $U^{\prime }\oplus T^{\prime }$ , for some $U^{\prime }\leq U$ and $T^{\prime }\leq T$ . Furthermore, it is shown that every proper ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring R is serial, if and only if, either R is a finite direct product of discrete valuation domains and local Artinian principal ideal rings, or R is a local ring with maximal ideal ${\mathcal {M}}$ containing a set of elements {w 1,…,w n } such that ${\mathcal {M}}=\bigoplus _{i=1}^{n} Rw_{i}$ with at most one non-simple summand. Moreover, another equivalent condition states that: there exists an integer n ≥ 1 such that every proper ideal of R is a direct sum of at most n uniserial R-modules. Finally, we discuss some examples to illustrate our results.
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