Graph-based semi-supervised learning plays an important role in large scale image classification tasks. However, the problem becomes very challenging in the presence of noisy labels and outliers. Moreover, traditional robust semi-supervised learning solutions suffers from prohibitive computational burdens thus cannot be computed for streaming data. Motivated by that, we present a novel unified framework robust structure-aware semi-supervised learning called Unified RSSL (URSSL) for batch processing and recursive processing robust to both outliers and noisy labels. Particularly, URSSL applies joint semi-supervised dimensionality reduction with robust estimators and network sparse regularization simultaneously on the graph Laplacian matrix iteratively to preserve the intrinsic graph structure and ensure robustness to the compound noise. First, in order to relieve the influence from outliers, a novel semi-supervised robust dimensionality reduction is applied relying on robust estimators to suppress outliers. Meanwhile, to tackle noisy labels, the denoised graph similarity information is encoded into the network regularization. Moreover, by identifying strong relevance of dimensionality reduction and network regularization in the context of robust semi-supervised learning (RSSL), a two-step alternative optimization is derived to compute optimal solutions with guaranteed convergence. We further derive our framework to adapt to large scale semi-supervised learning particularly suitable for large scale image classification and demonstrate the model robustness under different adversarial attacks. For recursive processing, we rely on reparameterization to transform the formulation to unlock the challenging problem of robust streaming-based semi-supervised learning. Last but not least, we extend our solution into distributed solutions to resolve the challenging issue of distributed robust semi-supervised learning when images are captured by multiple cameras at different locations. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of this framework when applied to multiple benchmark datasets with respect to state-of-the-art approaches for important applications in the areas of image classification and spam data analysis.
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