In [1 I L. F. McAuley asked the following question: is it possible to partition . . Moore's metrization theorem into three or more parts which begins with a condition for a topological space and which ends with a condition for a metrizable space, but with necessary and sufficient conditions somewhere between these extremes for semi-metric and Moore spaces? Z, stated below, is such a partitioning. The notation Axiom Zi denotes parts (1), (2), * * *, (i) of Z. In ?1 it is proved in Theorems 1, 2, and 3, respectively, that a necessary and sufficient condition for a topological space to be semi-metrizable, a Moore space, and metrizable is that it satisfy Z2, Z3, and Z4 respectively. A counter-example is given in ?2 which shows that the argument for the statement a Moore space is a semimetric topological space in Theorem 6.2 in [I I is not correct. Finally, in ?3 it is shown that part (3) of Theorem 2 in [2 ] can be changed so that the resulting statement is equivalent to a Moore space. Definitions are given in [I ]. DEFINITION. If { Jn } denotes a sequence such that for each natural number n, Jn denotes a collection of neighborhoods covering a point set M, then the sequence I Bi }, where i denotes a natural number, is said to be a basic refinement of { Jn } for M provided that with each point p in M there is associated a sequence I bi(p) } such that for each i: (1) bi(p) is a neighborhood in J, }, (2) bi+1(p) is a subset of b,(p), (3) p is the only point common to I bi(p) }, and (4) Bi denotes the collection of all neighborhoods bi(p) for all points in M.
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