The length of the day, in the geographical area conditions of Romania, is different from other geographical areas where the potato is cultivated in the same calendar periods. In the specialized literature, there are frequent references to short days influence, between 12 and 14 hours, on potato tuberization, with influences more and more favourable. Considering the calculations for Romania’s conditions, the length of the day has values less than 14 hours only in March, period that does not coincide with the period of potato tuberization. The period in which the potato tubers in Romania is generally between 15 and 25 May, when the length of the day passes 15 hours. Generally, in the conditions of a normal spring plantation, between 1 and 20 April, tuberization take place in the conditions of end May, when the length of the day passes 15 hours (21. 05.200715 h 15min, 30.05.2008 – 15h 34 min). In our conducted studies we have tested four varieties of potato, two from two different groups of maturity (Ostara and group varieties Impala and semi early Laura Redsec and group varieties semi late). Research has been conducted under the earliness aspect at Rascruci, Cluj County, in a greenhouse and under late planting aspects in the field of experimental USAMV from ClujNapoca Jucu commune, Cluj County. For a tuberization in terms of long days of the year the experiments have been planted in high altitude in the experimental field of USAMV Cluj located at a glacier, Gârda village, Alba County (in the Apuseni Mountains, the Plateau Calineasa the perimeter of the village Gheţar) Locating the experiments in three different areas have targeted first of all the influence of the photoperiod on tuberization process and its interactions with the soil and advancing the vegetation through the germination of the tubers for seed and early planting in the plastic greenhouse. Experiments location was done using the method of subdividing plots with three factors in three repetitions. Tuberization determinations through number and mass of the tubers formed on fractions of 5-10 mm, 10-20 mm, 20-30 mm and over 30 mm were quantified at 25, 35 and 45 days from the emergence, in the aim of better appreciations of the experimental factors and their interactions with the environmental conditions. As an average of the three experimental years, it could be said that superior results are obtained in the plastic greenhouse regarding the number of tubers/plant comparative to field results, certifying the fact that the potato plant (average results in semi-early and semi-late cultivars) is responding favourably to a lower illumination period.
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