The theoretical treatment of self-sustained periodic motion of the explosive crystallization ~EC! front in a thin amorphous film is presented. The main attention is given to the study of nonlinear resonance phenomena occurring due to the presence of a small external periodic perturbation with the frequency being in the vicinity of the ordinary or parametric resonance. Weakly anharmonic oscillations of the EC front velocity are considered with the Van der Pole method, and the expressions for the limit cycle amplitude in the case of free and forced oscillations are derived. Depending on the values of kinetic and thermophysical parameters of the model, different kinds of resonance curves ~i.e., front oscillation amplitudes versus frequency detuning ! are obtained and analyzed. Our predictions may be tested experimentally by monitoring the explosive growth rate using the modulation of laser intensity or employing amorphous films with thickness periodicity. It is also shown that inclusion of the results of dynamic stability analysis changes the steady-state EC stability diagram in the ( Ts ,d) plane ~Ts is the substrate temperature and d the film thickness! so that the region of stable EC regimes becomes substantially more limited.