The Minister of Education issued a Ministerial Regulation No. 22 of 2006 on the Content Standards for incorporation in the curriculum. Chapter II of the regulation, items: A, B, C and D on the structure of the curriculum was incorporated in the materials on personal development in the curriculum of the elementary school/islamic elementary school/school of special needs education, junior high school, senior high school, and vocational high school. The materials on personal development are allocated for each semester with 2 hours of lessons in a week.In the structure of the curriculum of senior high school/islamic religious high school, it is explained that self-development is aimed at providing opportunities for students to develop and to express themselves according to their needs, talents, and interests. These activities or development are facilitated and guided by counselors (guidance counselors), teachers, or other educational personnel.These activities are conducted in the form of extracurricular activities and guidance and counseling services relating to problems of personal, social, learning, and career development of students.Considering the inclusion of self-development in Curriculum of Education Unit Levels, from elementary school to high school, the General Directorate of Quality and Education Personnel Improvement (PMPTK Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kependidikan), the Ministry of National Education (2007:2), has asserted that the self-development is not a substitute for the guidance and counseling services.However, it contains parts of the guidance and counseling services that must be implemented by counselors. The position of guidance and counseling in non-formal education paths is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 shows the growing importance of the role of counselor (guidance counselor) to help the development of learners optimally, either through self-development activities, or through guidance and counseling services as a whole. In order for these expectations materialized, counselors (guidance counselor) are required to have expertise, capabilities, and optimal performance in providing guidance and counseling services to students through self-development activities.Given the variety of teacher's skills, especially the counselors in Gorontalo high schools, the expectation will be difficult to materialize. For that purpose, specific guidelines on the administration of selfdevelopment, especially through guidance and counseling services are needed. Based on the initial observations, it was found that the existing guidance was still very common. It was difficult for a counselor to perform these actions. In fact, some teachers felt confused to implement them and they chose not to perform them. If these conditions were not solved, then the government's efforts to improve the quality of the students cannot be achieved.Accordingly, in the context of this research, the development of self-development instruments to help teachers, guidance counselor at the school has been conducted. It is especially performed in high schools to develop the students. The research activities have resulted the development of validated products such as self-development guide instruments (through the phase I and II of the research), which consists of Student's Guide, Teacher's Guide, and Evaluation Guide. To test the effectiveness of the guidelines, the phase III was conducted.The research problems in each phase are is the plan of selfdevelopment guidelines that can enhance counselor's competency in performing services? In particular, issues covered by Phase I and II research are (1) What is the competency of the teacher of guidance and counseling in performing services for self-development of students?; (2) What are the personality tendencies of high school students of Grade X in Gorontalo city?; and (3) How can the development draft be used by guidance counselors in implementing guidance and counseling services for the development of selfesteem? …
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