5, 6. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Pergamon (1976). V. P. Silin and A. A. Rukhadze, Electromagnetic Properties of a Plasma and Plasmalike Media [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1961), Paragraph 12. THEORY OF SELF-CONSISTENT OPTICAL NUTATION V. V~ Kocharovskii and VI. V. Kocharovskii UDC 535.14:530.182 The features of self-consistent optical nutation are considered - coherent field oscillations, polarization, and population differences of a two-level medium in a resonator. Field frequency modulation, which changes the char- acteristics of nutation and is significant along with amplitude modulations, is also taken into account. This results in beats for electromagnetic and polariton "hot" modes with differing amplitudes in a resonator filled with a two-level medium. A nonnutational, self-consistent state for the uninverted medium and field is shown to exist. It is found that, in the presence of field dissipation, the process of optical nutation transforms into a state of superabsorption (an irreversible process of cooperative spontaneous relaxa- tion). !. Introduction Optical nutation is a coherent, nonsteady-state process of slow oscillation in the popula- tion difference AN = N2 - NI and in the complex polarization amplitude P of a two-level medium acted upon by an electromagnetic field in a resonator. In the approximation of a resonant, monochromatic field with an amplitude E and a frequency m = ~0, nutation is described by the oscillator solution of Rabi [i-3] with a characteristic frequency ~R = d[E[/h (d is the di- pole moment of a two-level optical transition at a frequency ~0). For a sufficiently high concentration N of two-level molecules, one must consider the reverse effect of the medium on the field, i.e., the cooperative interaction of the molecules by means of the electromag- netic field. The latter is significant if the cooperative frequency of the medium ~c, deter- mined by the relation
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