The local atomic structure of GeSi self-assembled islands buried in a silicon matrix stronglyinfluences the optical properties of such systems. In the present paper this structurewas determined by x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) spectroscopy andhigh resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and used to build aschematic description of the band structure model. Quantitative analysis of theextended XAFS (EXAFS) spectrum was performed for three coordination shellsaround the Ge absorbing atom with multiple scattering taken into account. It wasproved that the coordination number of elements in an alloy resulting from EXAFSanalysis for all three coordination spheres (i.e. ‘mixing degree’ parameters) cannot betaken as the concentration of alloy but can be used together with a proper modelof the alloy unit cell to calculate a realistic concentration. The fraction of Gecalculated in this way is consistent with HRTEM results. The found model of the unitcell was used to generate a x-ray absorption near edge structure spectrum by abinitio calculations. This approach yielded a spectrum in good agreement with theexperimental one. The information gained from XAFS and HRTEM was thenused for calculation of the band structure diagram. Results of the calculation arediscussed and compared with the experimental photoluminescence spectrum.
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