Behcet's disease (BD) is a systemic vasculitis characterized by recurrent episodes of inflammation with aphthous stomatitis, genital ulcers, skin, joint and internal organ involvement. Currently, there are no reliable laboratory markers that can be used to monitor BD activity. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) have low sensitivity, so the search for new biomarkers continues. Neutrophil reactivity intensity (NEUT-RI), neutrophil granularity intensity (NEUT-GI), immature granulocytes (IG), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), systemic immune inflammation index (SII) are new inflammatory indicators whose role in BD is not well studied.Objective: to evaluate and compare the efficacy of the determination of NEUT-RI, NEUT-GI, IG, SII, NLR, ESR and CRP in the diagnosis of active BD.Material and methods. 84 patients with a reliable diagnosis of BD and 38 healthy controls were included in the study. BD activity was assessed using the Behcet’s Disease Current Activity Form (BDCAF). Patients with BD were divided into two groups according to activity: Group I included 41 patients with high activity (BDCAF >5) and Group II included 43 patients with low activity (BDCAF ≤5). A complete blood count with determination of NEUT-RI, NEUT-GI, IG, SII and NLR was performed in all patients and healthy donors using the Sysmex XN 1000 automated haematology analyzer (Sysmex Сorp, Japan). ESR was determined using the Westergren method. High-sensitivity serum CRP level was determined in all patients with BD (normal range ≤5) by immunonephelometric method.Results and discussion. Patients with active BD had significantly higher levels of neutrophils, SII, NLR, NEUT-RI, IG, ESR and CRP compared to patients with low disease activity. ROC analysis was performed to compare the significance of these inflammatory markers in the assessment of BD activity. The SII had the largest area under the ROC curve (AUC =0.816). The sensitivity and specificity of the SII at a value of 509.75 or higher for determining the active form of BD were 79.4% and 71.8%, respectively.Conclusion. The new inflammatory parameters (SII, NLR, NEUT-RI and IG) and the traditional inflammatory parameters (ESR, CRP, neutrophils) can serve as laboratory markers for BD activity. SII is the most informative parameter to determine BD activity with optimal sensitivity and specificity.
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