Annotation text. Architecture of the late XIX – early ХХ century causes great interest in researchers. At this time, railways and railway stations were actively built all over the world. At this time also, a new architectural style, called Art Nouveau, has distributed around the world. The representative of this style in Ukraine is the architect O. M. Verbytskyi, whose work is largely reflected in the architecture of railway station complexes.
 Today, the question arises of restoring the original appearance of historic architectural objects, including railway stations. Therefore, the research of history railway, and also the research of town-planning, planning, volume-spatial structure and stylistics of the railway station complexes as a type of buildings are relevant in the framework of historical and architectural researches of Volhynia in the second half of XIX – early ХХ century.
 The research methodology is based on general (observation, comparative analysis, etc.), interdisciplinary (structuring, classification, etc.) and disciplinary, that inlude architectural and town-planning (analysis of the urban situation, functional structure and morphology of individual buildings and their complexes) research methods.
 Holoby and Kovel railway stations are original and exquisite buildings by their architecture.
 The volume-spatial solutions of the Holoby and Kovel railway stations are characterized by the following features: innovation, architectural expressiveness, boldness of compositional solutions, combination of curvilinear forms with rectilinear ones, Art Nouveau style.
 The article deals with the history of creation, planning structure, volume-spatial composition and stylistics of the railway stations Holoby and Kovel, which are designed by the outstanding Ukrainian architect O. M. Verbytskyi and built in the beginning of the ХХ century.
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