GENERAL PRINCIPLES Modeling of Expansion and Water Solubility Index of Wheat Starch During Extrusion Cooking. W. Cai and L.L. Diosady Viscoelastic Characteristics of Whey Protein Systems at Neutral pH. P.B. Fernandes The Influence of Caseins on the Rheology of Karrageenan Gels. M.G. Lynch and D.M. Mulvihill Rheological Description at the Minimum Gelling Conditions of kappa‐Carrageenan/Locust Bean Gum System. P.B. Fernandes Rheological Behavior of a Hydrophobically Associating Water Soluble Polymer. T. Aubry and M. Moan Reliability of Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyses (DMTA) for the Study of Frozen Aqueous Systems. G. Blond Starch Alterations in Hard‐to‐Cook Beans (Phaseoh vulgaris). E. Garcia Dynamic Gelling Properties of Myofibrillar Protein from Skeletal Muscles of Different Chicken Parts. Y.L. Xiong (corresponding author) and S.P. Blanchard Chemical Structure, Molecular Size Distributions and Rheological Properties of Flaxseed Gum. W. Cui Stickiness of Oryzenin and Starch Mixtures from Preharvest and Postharvest Rice Grains. J. Chrastil Impact of Heating on Carrot Firmness: Contribution of Cellular Turgor. L.C. Greve, K.A. Shackel, H. Ahmadi Impact of Heating on Carrot Firmness: Changes in Cell Wall Components. L.C. Greve Activity of Softening Enzymes during Cherry Maturation. D.M. Barrett Freeze‐Cracking in Foods as Affected by Physical Properties. N.‐K. KimMETHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION A Comparison of the Adhesion of Film Sealant Layers to Cooked‐in‐the‐Bag Ham (Res. Note). T.E. Goodman Simultaneous Evaluation of Shear Rate and Time Dependency of Stirred Yoghurt Rheology as Influenced by Added Pectin and Strawberry Concentrate. S. Basak and H.S. RamaswamyINSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS Flow Behavior of Cooked Maize Flour Suspensions and. Applicability of Mathematical Models. Sila Bhattacharya Comparison of the Steady Rheological Characterization of Normal and Light Mayonnaises. M. Pons, M.J. Galotto and S. Subirats Characterization of the Rheological Properties of Yoghurt: A Review. T. Benezech and J.F. Maingonnat Peach Firmness Determination by Puncture Resistance, Drop Impact and Sonic Impulse. X. Zhang, M.L. StoneSENSORY MEASUREMENTS Analysis of Textural Changes in Hard Cheese During Mastication by Progressive Profiling. F.R. Jack, J.R. Piggott and A. PatersonFACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE Selected Skeletal Alterations to Improve Tenderness of Beef Round Muscles. H. Wang, J.R. Claus and N.G. Marriott Effect, Development and Optimization of Mixing Temperature, Time and Particle Reduction in the Manufacture of Restructured Beef Steak. J. H. Thomas Jr., J.‐F.C. Meullenet and J.A. Carpenter Influence of Salts and pH on the Firmness of Olives in Acid Conditions. M. Brenes, P. Garcia and A. Garrido Various Blanching Treatments Affect Final Texture and Total Fiber Content of Peeled Processed Asparagus. M.T. Sanchez‐Pineda‐Infantas, G. CanoMuiioz and J.R Hermida‐Bun Cooking Time. Grinding and Moisture Content Effect on Fresh Corn Masa Texture. B. Ramirez‐Wong, V.E. Sweat, P.I. Torres and L.W. Rooney Sensory and Physical Properties of Chocolate Chip Cookies Made with Vegetable Shortening or Fat Replacers at 50 and 75% Levels. W.L. Armbrister and C.S. Setser The Research on the Rheological Properties of Soybean Protein Isolate. Chen Zongdao, Li Deyuan, Wang Guangci, Bao Xianjin Effects of Carrageenans and Xanthan Gum on the Texture and Acceptability of Low Fat Frankfurters. G.S. Mittal and S. Barbut
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