SCHOPFER (1934a, 1934b) reported that Phycomyces Blakesleeanus Burgeff does not grow upon a medium of mineral salts, pure dextrose, asparagine, and water, but grows normally on the same medium to which a minute quantitv of crystalline vitamin B, is added. Schopfer's discovery resulted from a suggestion made to him by Burgeff (Schopfer, 1934c) based on the latter's observation of the effect of crystalline vitamin B1 on the growth of Phycomyces. Other fungi found by Schopfer (1935) to require vitamin B1 include Absidia ranosa, Parasitella simplex, Mucor Ramanmnianus, Dicranophora fulva, Chaetocladium Brefeldi, Choanephora cucurbita, Choan,ephora persicaria, and Pilaria anomala. Earlier reports on the importance of vitamin B1 as a growth factor for the lower plants have been published by various investigators including R. J. Williams (1920, 1930), Lepeschkin (19'24), and others. The conclusive evidence of the importance of vitamin B, (aneurin or thiamin) for the growth of plants depended upon a supply of the pure vitamin, which became available in 1934. We have confirmed Schopfer's report of the effect of vitamin B1 on the growth of Phycomyces BRakcesleeanus, and since there are many organisms which do not grow, or grow poorly, on the common synthetic media (those lacking some natural organic supplement), we have determined the effect of vitamin B1 on a number of fungi. MATERIALS AND METHODS.-In addition to Ph ycomyces Blakesleeanus, a plus strain kindly furnished by A. F. Blakeslee, we have used other organisms secured through the courtesy of W. E. Maneval, J. T. Middleton, or C. M. Tucker. Those furnished by Maneval were Absidia glauca Hagem, Basidiobolus ranarum Eidam, Mortierella sp. no. 11, Mortierella candelabrum v. Tiegham and le Monnier, Mucor circinelloides v. Tiegham, Mucor griseolilacinus Povah, Mucor sp. no. 103, Mucor sp. no. 115, Circinella aspera Lendner, Cunninghamella sp. no. 102, Thamnidium elegans Link, Zygorhynchus Moelleri Vuill, Zygorhynchus sp. no. 111, Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenberg, + and -, Phycomyces nitens (Agardh) Kunze and Schmidt, +, Sphaerulina trifolii Rostr. From Tucker we secured cultures of Phytophthora Boehmeriae Saw., P. cactoram (L. and C.) Schwet, P. cambivora (Petri) Buis, P. capsici Leon., P. cinnamoni Rands, P. colocasiae Racib., P. cryptogea Pethyb. and Laff., P. Drechsleri Tuck., P. palmivora Butler, P. parasitica Dast., P. fagopyri Takimoto; Agaricus campestris Linn., Schizophyllum commune Fr., Sclerotium delphinii Welch, and S. Rolfsii Sac. Middleton furnished cultures of Pythium arrhenomanes Drechsler, P. polycladon Sideris, P.
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