The success of any nation depends very largely upon in its advancement in science and technology. For the development of scientific approach among students, science laboratories play pivotal role. So, the ongoing study was conducted to investigate the status-co of science laboratories working at government Intermediate collages in District Hyderabad. The descriptive type of research was used for this study and followed by survey methods. For the purpose of data collection, a close- ended questionnaire was developed on the pattern of Five Point Scale the systematic random sampling was used to draw the sample sizes from the population. The same questionnaires were administered to each size i.e. Lecturers, Students and Lab. Attendants/ In charges. Data reveals that in most of government colleges possessed their own separate laborites for chemistry, physics and biology. The shortage of consumable and non-consumable item was observed. In nut shell, the science Laboratories in Government Intermediate Colleges are not working effectively. In this way the quality of education is in science subjects are at alarm.
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