The Central Records of the Church of England: a Report and Survey presented to the Pilgrim and Radcliffe Trustees CIO Publishing, 1976 iv + 100 pp. £3 International Directory of Archives (Archivum, Vols. XXII‐XXIII) Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1975 480 pp. £19.75 Morton on Archives : the writings of Margaret Cross Norton on Archival and Records Management Edited by Thornton W. Mitchell, foreword by Ernst Posner Southern Illinois University Press, 1975 xxi + 288 pp. $10. Proceedings of an International Seminar on Automatic Data Processing in Archives Edited by L. Bell and M. Roper H.M.S.O., 1975, 348 pp. £8.50 Britain before the Norman Conquest. Scale 1 :625000 about ten miles to one inch Published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, 1974, 68 pp., 2 maps in pocket at end of volume. £4.50 The Ecclesiastical History of Or aerie Vitalis, vol. 5 : Books IX and X Edited and translated by M. Chibnall Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975 xix +413 pp. £15 Gascon Register A (Series of 1318–1319), from British Museum Cottonian MS. Julius E.i Edited by G. P. Cuttino with the collaboration of J.‐P. Trabut‐Cussac London, Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1975. 2 vols, continuously paginated, lxxviii + 718 pp., 3 plates, 1 map. £16 Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem , vol. xvi, 7–15 Richard II London, H.M.S.O., 1974 xliv + 607 pp. £16.20 English hawking and hunting in ‘The Boke of St. Albans’ A facsimile edition of sigs. a2‐f 8 of The Boke of St. Albans (1486) Edited by Rachel Hands Oxford English Monographs, Oxford University Press, 1975. £15 A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford, A.D. 1501 to 1540 A. B. Emden Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1974 xxiv + 742 pp. £18 A Catalogue of Printed Books (pre‐1751) in the Library of St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle Compiled by John Callard Historical Monographs relating to St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Vol. 15 Windsor, 1976. xxxvi + 282 pp. £23 (obtainable from W. S. Maney & Son Ltd., Hudson Road, Leeds LS9 7DL) The Printed Maps of Hertfordshire, 1577–1900 Donald Hodson London, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1975 251 pp. £10 A Calendar of Cornish Glebe Terriers, 1673–1735 Edited by Richard Potts Devon and Cornwall Record Society, New Series, vol. 19, 1974. xxxiv + 209 pp. £3 (obtainable from the Assistant Secretary, 7 The Close, Exeter) Abstracts of Wiltshire Tithe Apportionments Edited by R. E. Sandell Wiltshire Record Society, Vol. XXX, for the year 1974, Devizes, 1975 viii + 164 pp. (obtainable from M.J. Lansdown, 53 Clarendon Road, Trowbridge, £5 excluding postage) The Days That We Have Seen George Ewart Evans London, Faber & Faber, 1975 224 pp., 24 plates. £4.95 History of Birmingham, Volume III, Birmingham 1939–1970 Anthony Sutcliffe and Roger Smith London, Oxford University Press for Birmingham City Council, 1974 xv + 514 pp. £12 Constitutional Relations between Britain and India. The Transfer of Power, 1942–7. Vol. V. The Simla Conference, background and proceedings, 1 Sept 1944–28 July 1945 Editor in Chief Nicholas Mansergh Assistant Editor Penderel Moon London, H.M.S.O., 1974 1440 pp. £17.50 The American Territorial System Edited by John Porter Bloom Ohio University Press, 1973 xv + 248 pp. $10 The National Archives and Foreign Relations Research Edited by Milton O. Gustafson Ohio University Press, 1974 xvii + 292 pp. $10 Histoire économique de la Belgique, traitement des sources et état des questions Edited by H. Coppejans‐Desmedt Actes du Colloque de Bruxelles 17–19 Novembre 1971. Brussels, 1973. $20. 600 francs The Fifteen Compiled by G. W. Hogg and J. C. Tyson University of Newcastle School of Education, Archive Teaching Unit, No. 10, 1975. £2 The Slave Trade in Liverpool, 1707–1807 Edited by M. Cook J. E. Blyth and R. R. Grogan Liverpool Education Committee, Teaching Unit No. 2, 1973. £1 The Growth of London : 16th Century : Beginning of Expansion Edited by B. Price Inner London Education Authority, 1974. No price given Agriculture in Essex, 1840–1900 Compiled by R. G. E. Wood Essex County Council, 1975. £1.20 19th Century Posters Commentary by K. C. Leslie West Sussex County Record Office, Prints from the Past, No. 1, 1974 45p. + 1 op. postage The Record Interpreter Compiled by Charles Trice Martin Kohler & Coombes (facsimile of the 2nd edition published by Stevens & Sons, 1910), 1976 xv + 464 pp. £6 BS 5195 : Part 1: 1975. Recommendations for Bibliographical references to maps and charts. Part 1. References in accessions lists British Standards Institution, 1975 7 pp. £2.10 BS 1629: 1976. Recommendations: Bibliographical references British Standards Institution, 1976 11 pp. £ 3.10
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