We show that in string theory or supergravity with supersymmetry breaking through combined F-terms and Fayet–Iliopoulos D-terms the masses for charged scalars and fermions can be hierarchically split. The mass scale for the gauginos and higgsinos of the MSSM is controlled by the gravitino mass m 3 / 2 , as usual, while the scalars get extra contributions from the D-terms of extra Abelian U ( 1 ) factors, which can make them much heavier. The vanishing of the vacuum energy requires that their masses lie below m 3 / 2 M Pl , which for m 3 / 2 = O ( TeV ) sets a bound of 10 10 – 13 GeV . Thus, scalars with non-vanishing U ( 1 ) charges typically become heavy, while others remain light, producing a spectrum of scalars with masses proportional to their charges, and therefore non-universal. This is a modification of the split supersymmetry scenario, but with a light gravitino. We discuss how Fayet–Iliopoulos terms of this size can arise in orientifold string compactifications with D-branes. Furthermore, within the frame work of D-term inflation, the same vacuum energy that generates the heavy scalar masses can be responsible for driving cosmological inflation.
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