ABSTRACTWe present a 1:25.000 scale geological map of the Kumeta-Pizzuta ridge in north-western Sicily (Italy), achieved by integrating stratigraphic, structural and geophysical data. In this area, the tectonic edifice results from the piling-up of deep-water-, carbonate platform- and pelagic platform-derived tectonic units (Imerese and Sicilide, Panormide and Trapanese domains, respectively) resulting from deformations of the former southern Tethyan continental margin. The structural setting shows interference of tectonic events, different types of structural styles and different scales of deformational patterns. Early overthrust of the Imerese on the Trapanese units (since the late Serravallian) was followed by wedging at depth of the Trapanese units (after the Tortonian). The wedging implied re-embrication and shortening into the overlying Imerese tectonic units and so produced the main folding and compressive to transpressive structures along the Kumeta-Pizzuta Ridge. Seismic reflection profiles integrated with field data reveal that the main E-W-trending anticlines have been offset by high-angle reverse faults flattening at depth until they connect with low-angle, regionally widespread, decollement surfaces with a northward tectonic transport. This setting supports backthrusting along transpressional faults in the study area, ruling out that the Kumeta ridge is a positive flower structure related to a near-vertical deep, crustal, shear zone as formerly suggested.
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