Introduction: Edible insects, which are generally abundant, nutrient-dense, marketable, and economically valuable constitute important part of the diet of large population of Nigerians. Roasted Winged termite (Macrotermes bellicosus) is a popular insect relished by people living the traditional lifestyle, especially children, and is eaten as snack. Little is known about the nutritional importance and potential nutrient contribution of this insect. Aim: To determine the nutrient and antinutrient composition of Macrotermes bellicosus as a means of reducing micronutrient malnutrition among the consumers. Methods: Winged termites were collected during their nocturnal swarming and divided into two portions. One portion was used for fresh sample determination and the other portion roasted for ten minutes, de-winged and kept refrigerated inside a plastic container till when needed for analysis. Its proximate, mineral, vitamin and antinutrient composition were determined using official methods of analyses of AOAC, atomic absorption spectrophotometric method, and spectrophotometric methods (vitamins and antinutrients respectively). Results: Roasted Macrotermes bellicosus as consumed contained 4.3g moisture, 36.7g Original Research Article British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 4(7): 1149-1158, 2014 1150 protein, 34.3g fat, 23.2g carbohydrates, 1.2g ash, 96.30mg sodium, 162.50mg potassium, 226.50mg calcium, 358.50mg phosphorus, 1.42mg iron, 3.13mg zinc, 330.42μg retinol equivalent, and yielded 551.2 kcal of energy /100g portion. Level of phytates, oxalates, trypsin inhibitors, saponins and tannins was very low (< 0.3mg/100g portion), and cannot probably cause any health hazard or malabsorption when consumed in large quantities. 100g portion of roasted Macrotermes bellicosus can contribute 24.0% energy, 58.3% protein, 22.7% calcium, 51.2% phosphorus, 20.9% zinc and 33.0% retinol equivalent (vitamin A) and 60.0% of vitamin E to Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) of adult consumers. Conclusion: Macrotermes bellicosus is a highly nutritious insect, and it can serve as good source of protein, calcium, iron and zinc for its Nigerian consumers.
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