The use of geoinformation technologies and remote survey data for assessing, mapping the state and forest-reclamation arrangement of agricultural landscapes is a modern research method that allows analyzing spatial data remotely and interpreting them into analytical maps. To study the “Cross” polygon, laid out on the territory of the Sostinsky landscape area of the Sarpin Lowland in 2015, a space map was compiled based on an ultra-high resolution satellite image of the Wold View 3 satellite. The geomorphological characteristics of the test site were constructed as a result of analysis based on the digital terrain model SRTM 3. The use of geoinformation technologies and satellite images for the analysis of agricultural landscapes at the test site allowed to identify the structure and characteristics of agricultural land. As a result of the research, it was found that the soil at the landfill is represented by an array of salt marshes with salt marshes (95% of the landfill area) and sand massifs (5%). The analysis of changes in arable areas showed the cessation of economic use of agricultural land until 2018 and the resumption of field work on a small part of the test site in the period 2018–2019. The materials obtained during the decoding and mapping of agricultural landscapes of the Sarpinsk lowland can be used to form an ecological framework of sustainable landscapes, as well as extrapolated to analog landscapes.
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