The rat glossopharyngeal nerve (GL), which innervates posterior tongue taste buds, contains several physiologically defined taste fiber types; at least one type is primarily responsive to certain alkaloids (such as quinine), and another is primarily responsive to acids and salts. In contrast, the chorda tympani (CT), which innervates anterior tongue taste buds, does not appear to contain fibers that differentially respond to quinine relative to salts and acids. It was therefore predicted that GL transection should disrupt behavioral discriminations between quinine and either acids or salts. Water-restricted rats were trained to press one of two levers if a sampled taste stimulus was quinine (0.1-1.0 mM) and the second lever if the sampled stimulus was KCl (0.1-1.0 M). Sham surgery, GL transection, and sublingual and submaxillary salivary gland extirpation were found to have no effect relative to presurgical performance. Both CT transection and combined GL and CT transection caused a substantial and approximately equal decrement in discrimination performance. Removal of the gustatory branches of the seventh cranial nerve [CT and greater superficial petrosal (GSP)] nearly eliminated the discrimination of the taste stimuli, and combined transection of the CT, GL, and GSP unequivocally reduced performance to chance levels. Although these findings were not presaged by the known electrophysiology, they nonetheless compare favorably with other studies reporting little effect of GL transection on behavioral responses to quinine. These results, in the context of other discrimination studies reported in the literature, suggest that, in rats, the neural coding of taste quality depends primarily on the input of the facial nerve.
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