An immunohistological study, using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method, was carried out to define the reactivity profile of a murine monoclonal antibody, MOv2, which recognizes a novel glycoprotidic antigen associated with ovarian epithelial tumors. Among the primary ovarian tumors tested, MOv2 immunostained 93% of mucinous and 75% of serous cystadenomas, 100% of mucinous, 81% of serous and 73% of endometrioid carcinomas. Undifferentiated and clear cell tumors revealed more limited reactivity with the antibody, whereas ovarian sex cord-stromal and germinal tumors were immunonegative. Positive reactions were also documented in omental metastases from primary ovarian carcinomas. No immunoreactivity was detected in normal ovarian epithelium, whereas the cells lining Walthard's nests adjacent to the fallopian tubes and a variety of normal epithelia were consistently immunolabeled. These included the lining epithelia of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi and endocervix, and the epithelium of salivary, biliary and pancreatic ducts and sweat glands. To a lesser extent, positive reactions were detected in other surface epithelia, such as squamous and transitional epithelia. Among tumors other than ovarian, MOv2 consistently reacted with adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas from different sites, most notably breast, lung and gastrointestinal tract, and with transitional cell carcinomas. In contrast, no staining was demonstrated in non-epithelial malignancies. The antigen defined by MOv2 may be operationally useful as a marker of epithelial lineage in tumor histopathology. Its pattern of immunohistochemical distribution indicates that an antigenic phenotype shared by normal surface epithelia and non-ovarian carcinomas is strongly associated with common epithelial neoplasms of the ovaries.
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