Spectroscopic studies on arylhydrazone derivatives are rather few, despite the fact that these compounds are rather interesting che- lating agents. For sake of comparison with Schiff bases, the spectra of some hydrazones are discussed I4. It was shown that the two com¬pounds showed strong H-bonding, which is stronger in hydrazones compared to Schi ff bases (4). Chelate formation with salicylidene aniline through C = N coor¬dination is confirmed from the analysis of the ir-spectra based on the shift of the C=N band to lower wavenumbers (5). On the contrary che¬late formation with salicylidene phenyl hydrazone leads to a shift of the C =N band to higher wavenumbers, which was explained on the hasis of electron feed back from the metal ion to the C =N linkage (6). As a matter of fact, the transfer of an electron from the metal ion to
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