Under what circumstances does Islam tolerate violence or armed struggle?What are the Islamic ethics of war? When Does Islam allow what the westernmedia calls “terrorism,” especially when Muslims are the target of violenceand terrorism? Can Muslims use violence to counter violence?Given existing realities, we need to answer such questions. American andBritish aggression in various countries, the Hindutva aggression in India,and the general global anti-Muslim environment have disturbed Muslimseverywhere. What steps should be taken to counter such negative trends?Ethics and ViolenceIn essence, violence is an unethical act. In a civilized world that values ethicalprinciples, violence is used only to deter and punish criminals and todefend oneself. One may use dialogue, persuasion, communication, andinformation to achieve an objective, but not violence. Violence cannot beused to achieve religious objectives, because it is an instrument of coercion.Islam, which is based on compassion, love, tolerance, gentleness, and forgiveness,prohibits coercion (2:256). Violence, destruction, and cruelty violateIslam’s very nature (7:199).Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded gentleness andforbade harshness and violence. Sahih Muslim records that Ayesha narratedthat the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “God is kind, and likes kindness.For kindness, God rewards what He never gives due to violence or throughany other means” and that he said to Ayesha: “Be kind and avoid violenceand indecency. Kindness makes a situation best and unkindness makes itworst. This is why the Qur’an prohibits offensive violence and discouragesviolence even as a defensive means” (41:34-35) ...
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