The first objective is to develop a nuchal thickness reference chart. The second objective is to compare rule-based algorithms and machine learning models in predicting small-for-gestational-age infants. This retrospective study involved singleton pregnancies at University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia, developed a nuchal thickness chart and evaluated its predictive value for small-for-gestational-age using Malaysian and Singapore cohorts. Predictive performance using conjunctive (AND)/disjunctive (OR) rule-based algorithms was assessed. Seven machine learning models were trained on Malaysia data and evaluated on both Malaysia and Singapore cohorts. 5519 samples were collected from the University Malaya Medical Centre. Small-for-gestational-age infants exhibit significantly lower nuchal thickness (small-for-gestational-age: 4.57 [1.04] mm, appropriate-for-gestational-age: 4.86 [1.06] mm, p<0.001). Implementing disjunctive rule (nuchal thickness<10th centile or estimated fetal weight<10th centile) significantly improved small-for-gestational-age prediction across all growth charts, with balanced accuracy gains of 5.83% in Malaysia (p<0.05) and 7.75% in Singapore. The best model for predicting small-for-gestational-age was: logistic regression with five variables (abdominal circumference, femur length, nuchal thickness, maternal age, and ultrasound-confirmed gestational age), which achieved an area under the curve of 0.75 for Malaysia cohorts; support vector machine with all variables, achieved area under the curve of 0.81 for Singapore cohorts. Small-for-gestational-age infants demonstrate significantly reduced second-trimester nuchal thickness. Employing the disjunctive rule enhanced small-for-gestational-age prediction. Logistic regression and support vector machines show superior performance among all models, highlighting the advantages of machine learning. Larger prospective studies are needed to assess clinical utility.
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