Abstract: This paper introduces a Python-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) application designed to automate the seating arrangement process for examinations, specifically catering to the needs of examination departments. Leveraging the openpyxl and pandas libraries for Excel file manipulation and creating Dataframes the application aims to replace the laborious manual process traditionally employed by colleges. The main objective is to reduce the time and effort invested by examination departments in seating arrangement tasks. The user-friendly GUI simplifies data input, while the application's algorithm automates seating assignments, ensuring that no two students writing same exam can’t sit in same bench in optimal manner using excel and python . Results demonstrate a significant reduction in time spent on seating arrangement, with outputs including detailed room-wise seating sheets and comprehensive summaries listing roll numbers by regulation and branch. This innovative approach not only streamlines examination management but also enhances accuracy and efficiency.From this GUI we can add, edit and delete the halls in which the exams are being conducted.Further we input the excel sheet in which the roll numbers of students were there as per their branch and regulation as input and genrates formatted excel sheets that generate seating arrangement .Formatting the font and size of rows and columns and wrapping the columns when required are done automatically
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