The canonical form of atmospheric flows near theland surface, in the absence of a canopy, resembles a rough-wallboundary layer. However, in the presence of an extensive and densecanopy, the flow within and just above the foliage behaves as aperturbed mixing layer. To date, no analogous formulation existsfor intermediate canopy densities. Using detailed laser Dopplervelocity measurements conducted in an open channel over a widerange of canopy densities, a phenomenological model that describesthe structure of turbulence within the canopy sublayer (CSL) isdeveloped. The model decomposes the space within the CSL intothree distinct zones: the deep zone in which the flow field isshown to be dominated by vortices connected with vonKarman vortex streets, butperiodically interrupted by strong sweep events whose features areinfluenced by canopy density. The second zone, which is near thecanopy top, is a superposition of attached eddies andKelvin–Helmholtz waves produced by inflectional instability in themean longitudinal velocity profile. Here, the relative importanceof the mixing layer and attached eddies are shown to vary withcanopy density through a coefficient α. We show that therelative enhancement of turbulent diffusivity over its surface-layer value near the canopy top depends on the magnitude ofα. In the uppermost zone, the flow follows the classicalsurface-layer similarity theory. Finally, we demonstrate that thecombination of this newly proposed length scale and first-orderclosure models can accurately reproduce measured mean velocity andReynolds stresses for a wide range of roughness densities. Withrecent advancement in remote sensing of canopy morphology, thismodel offers a promising physically based approach to connect theland surface and the atmosphere without resorting to empiricalmomentum roughness lengths.