Rotifers are among the smallest metazoan animals living in lakes, ponds, rivers and in interstitial water within Sphagnum mats. When in sufficient numbers they are capable of regenerating large amounts of nitrogen (N) as NO3 and NH4 and phosphorus (P) as PO4; all of these nutrients are immediately available to bog plants. The ecological role of rotifers in bog ecosystems has been recognized at both local and global scales, but the effect of N and P addition on rotifers in bogs remains unknown. Here we present data on the influence of N and P addition on rotifers at a temperate Canadian bog dominated by Sphagnum mosses. We found that rotifer species abundance and diversity were significantly higher in surficial pore water after long-term exposure to increased N and P addition than in the control. A change in plant species distribution and increased rotifer abundance may partly explain the faster decomposition rates, jeopardizing the carbon sink capacity of bogs.
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