The central nervous system (CNS) projections of primary afferent neurons from individual vestibular receptors were studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or biocytin labeling in 14 ears from 7 adult squirrel monkeys using the technique developed in the chinchilla (Lee et al., 1989, 1992). The specificity of labeling was verified by examining the location of the labeled fibers and cell bodies in the vestibular nerve and Scarpa's ganglion. Labeled fibers and cells were restricted to nerves and areas belonging to groups of cells in either the superior or the inferior ganglion of the vestibular nerve. In the vestibular nerve root, labeled primary afferent fibers also exhibited a receptor-dependent segregation at the entrance to the medulla. Fibers from the HSC and the SSC were found rostrally and those from the PSC and the SAC were found in the caudal area. The UTR fibers were situated intermediate between these two groups of fibers. (A bundle of fibers, probably vestibular efferents, was identified immediately rostrally and ventromedially to the UTR fibers.) The primary afferent fibers bifurcated into secondary ascending and descending fibers at the lateral border of the vestibular nuclei, forming a longitudinal rostrocaudal vestibular tract. The secondary fibers from individual end-organs occupied specific locations in the tract: the UTR fibers were dorsal to the SSC and the HSC fibers, PSC fibers were found most medially, and the SAC fibers occupied the lateralmost area. The secondary UTR fibers overlapped considerably with those of the SSC and the HSC. The orderly receptor-dependent segregation of fibers was more prominent in the descending tracts than in the ascending tracts. In the vestibular nuclei complex the location of the tertiary branches of various end-organs exhibited considerable overlap within the major vestibular nuclei (SN, superior nucleus; LN, lateral nucleus; MN, medial nucleus; DN, descending nucleus). There were still differences, however, in the projection pattern. Fibers from the SAC ran primarily in the lateral area, fibers from the SSC and the UTR were found ventromedially to the SAC fibers, and the HSC projected slightly medially to the fibers from the SSC. The PSC fibers projected most medially. The UTR and SAC sent numerous fibers to the cerebellum. Fibers from the semicircular canals projected through the rostrodorsal region of the SN and presumably also projected to the cerebellum. The precise termination of fibers was evaluated by studying the location of labeled boutons, which were identified in all major vestibular nuclei. Labeled boutons from all the receptors were in the rostral and central areas of the SN, and in the MN mainly in the rostral two-thirds. In the LN, boutons from all the receptors were in the rostroventral part, most of which were from the UTR and SAC. No labeled boutons were in the caudodorsal part of this nucleus. Labeled boutons in the DN primarily surrounded the descending tract fibers and were particularly prominent medially. In specimens in which superior vestibular nerve receptor organs were scratched vestibular efferent fibers were also labeled. These fibers traveled in the most ventral part of the vestibular nerve root and projected in the ventral aspect of the LN to labeled soma in the ipsilateral and contralateral brain stem. Specificity the in projection patterns of efferent fibers from different end-organs could not be ascertained.
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