The stand is the largest and most important part in rolling-mill components.It bears tremendous rolling force, instant impact and part of the rolling torque during the rolling process .In addition ,roller system ,pressure and balance system also installed in it. Therefore, rolling mill must be equipped with sufficient strength and stiffness to ensure the safety of mill equipment and accuracy of the size of products. In this paper, It uses the finite element simulation software MSC.Marc to simulate and analyze the 3-D finite 5-m heavy plate mill housing of Baosteel . which can provides effective theoretical basis to the optimization of technology establish and the safety of equipment. The simulation results can be used to verify the accuracy of stress and strain field measured data for the mill frame, It also can infer parts of rolling mill which is not detected and unpredictable of the stress and strain states, and further to learn about weak parts of frame in stiffness and strength facets.
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