Quasi experimental Study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a Learning Package on competency of Primary School regarding Learning Disabilities among children. The study was conducted in a Primary School of Bhainyawala, Dehradun. Total 38 teachers were selected who met the inclusion criteria by non-probability, convenience sampling technique. Pretest was taken by structured knowledge questionnaire, attitude scale and knowledge of skill checklist followed by Learning Package and post- test was taken after 7 days which showed that mean post -test knowledge score (13.7 ±3.2) was higher than the mean pre- test knowledge score (5.4±2.6). Mean post- test Attitude score (31.9±4.7) was higher than the mean pre- test Attitude score (26.6±5.4). Mean post-test knowledge of skill scores (23.1±4.2) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge of skill scores (17.2±6.6). After post- test the knowledge, attitude and skills of primary school teachers had increased significantly. Hence it is proved that the Learning Package improves the competency of primary school teachers regarding Learning Disabilities. (LD)as a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking (dysphasia), reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), reasoning or mathematical (dyscalculia) and motor skill (dyspraxia) abilities.School is the workplace where children and adolescents performtask, learn and discover themselves as an individuals.Successful performance is essential for psychological growth and development of self-esteem and confidence in the child. On the other side, a child with learning disabilities struggles with school-work, failing grades and low self -esteem. Teachers abilities to assess the LD are an essential component. Appropriate assessments enable teachers to recognize the early signs that a child may be at risk for LD, and the assessments permit teachers to target instructions to meet individual student needs.Scientists claimed that with the use of effective training programs, the brain can be rewired and children can learn to read and can do much better in their lives. 1.2 Need for the study In 1973, it was estimated that worldwide 1-3% of children had LD which increased up to 4-5% and by in 1994.Majority (60%) of the children had Reading Disability. There is strong evidence that individuals with LD experience more social, emotional, and motivational difficulties than those without LD. Village level surveys in India reveals that 4-10% of population constitute Persons with Disability and around 13-14 % of all school children suffer from learning disorders which goes unnoticed. In India, prevalence estimates of LD range from 9-39% and the incidence of dyslexia in primary school children has been reported to be 2-18%, dysgraphia 14%, and dyscalculia 5.5%. Unfortunately, most of the schools do not understand the intensity of the, problem and it remains unfocused; as a result, these children are identified as failures in the learning process. Hence, the researcher was motivated and felt the need to study on LD and strongly believes that challenges can be overcome with the help of support and timely guidance. What matter is someone has to take charge. It is relevant to educate the primary school teachers on early identification of LD which will help the student in various aspects. 1.3 Statement of Problem A Quasi experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of a Learning Package on competency of Primary School regarding Learning Disabilities (LD) of children, in selected school of Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 2012