Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate use of breast cancer screening methods by women in our society and the affecting factors.
 Material and Method: 281 women aged 40 and over were included in the study. A sociodemographic data form, Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Form and the Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale were administered to the participants through face-to-face interview technique.
 Results: It was found that most of the participants knew the breast cancer screening methods but used the screening methods at a low rate. The main reason affecting their use of screening methods was whether there was a complaint or not. The rate of mammography was found to be significantly higher among those who performed breast self-examination (p=0.011). When the Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale form was examined, it was found that the participants got the highest points from the self-efficacy subscale of breast self-examination, and the lowest points from the perceived susceptibility subscale. 
 Conclusion: It was observed that the use of any screening method and breast cancer risk factors affected health beliefs regards to the use of screening methods.
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