The modern lifestyle of young people is reflected in the state of hearing. Using gadgets and listening to loud music leads to the early development of hearing loss. The purpose of the study is to assess the condition of the auditory analyzer in students. The results of our own research allowed us to identify the main factors leading to hearing loss and assess the condition of the auditory analyzer in 20 students aged 20-22 years. Data collection was carried out on the basis of comprehensive surveys, questionnaires and reports. To assess hearing, anamnesis was collected, external examination of the ear, palpation, otoscopy, whispering and colloquial speech, tests with tuning forks, tonal threshold audiometry at four typical frequencies. The results of the study of the condition of the auditory analyzer showed that in 10% of cases sulfur plugs were detected in the external auditory canal, in 5% of cases – the presence of scars and pathological color of the membrane. The study of auditory function revealed that in 20% of cases, whispered speech was detected from a distance of 4 meters, and not from 6. The values of air and bone conduction during the Rinne test in all cases did not reach the standard values, in 20% of cases the test on the right ear was negative, and on the left ear – in 10%. In Federici's experiment, it was revealed that in 15% of cases, bone conduction was higher than air. The results of the Weber test showed that in 45% of cases the sound was shifted and uneven. The data obtained using a high-frequency tuning fork 2048 showed that in 85% of cases, the air conductivity values of both the right and left ears were below normal values. The study of hearing acuity demonstrated that in 15% of cases the values reached the upper limit of the norm. The results of the questionnaire to identify the determining factors showed that 30% of students noticed hearing impairment. More than 50% of students answered that they often listen to loud music and use headphones. Thus, the main risk factors and the first signs of hearing loss in students were identified.
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