Abstract We demonstrate a violation of the ‘ferromagnetic ordering of energy levels’ conjecture (FOEL) for even length spin rings. The FOEL conjecture was a guess made by Nachtergaele, Spitzer and an author for the Heisenberg model on certain graphs: a family of inequalities, the first of which is the statement that the spectral gap of the Heisenberg model equals the gap of the random walk. That first guess was originally a conjecture of Aldous which was later proved by Caputo, Liggett and Richthammer. We claim that for spin rings of even length L > 4, the lowest spin S = 0 energy is lower than the lowest spin S = 1 energy. This violates the ( L / 2 ) th inequality in the FOEL conjecture. Our methodology is largely numerical: we have applied exact diagonalization up to L = 20. We also rigorously consider the Hamiltonian of the Heisenberg spin ring for even length L projected to the spin S = 0 sector. We prove that it has a unique ground state. Then, using the single mode approximation the uniqueness explains the energy turn-around. Important insight comes from reconsideration of previous work by Sutherland, using the Bethe ansatz. Especially important is a work of Dhar and Shastry that goes beyond the Bethe ansatz.
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