Autotetraploid rice is a useful germplasm for polyploid rice breeding in improving nutritional values. Nevertheless, underlying mechanism of starch and lipid accumulation in tetraploid rice caryopsis remains largely unknown. Here, regulatory mode of starch and triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis during grain-filling stage in diploid and tetraploid indica rice varieties 9311 was investigated. As a result, tetraploid rice exhibited the reduced starch (-13.22 %) and apparent amylose (-24.76 %) contents, increased the in vitro starch digestion percentage. Meanwhile, lipid detection and thin layer chromatography revealed an increase in fatty acids (+15.26 %) and TAG (+28.82 %) contents characterized by a significant increase in the mole ratio of C18:1 and the decrease of C16:0 and C18:2. Moreover, RNA-seq and functional analyses identified that OsAGPL1, encoding a rate-limiting enzyme involved in starch synthesis, was consistently down-regulated. Additionally, two TAG synthesis-associated genes OsSAD1 and OsFATB2 were up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively, which contributed to higher mole ratio of C18:1 and lower ratio of C16:0 in tetraploid rice caryopses. This study proposes a regulatory model of increased lipid and reduced starch synthesis during grain-filling stage and provides three candidate genes for genetic engineering in nutritional quality improvement of autotetraploid rice.
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